is that not enough idk

Swag Braxton
First to buy a Goodbye Egirl

Let's Party!

Catgirl Hooters is available for hire! Whether you want to party at the venue for your own private event or have the catgirls come party with you, we're down!To hire us for a party, please contact Gorstag during an event so he can get your info. We can provide info on pricing based on event length.We cannot be booked during or after a scheduled CGH event.

Wanna Hang?



Deluxe Drinks

Banned Customers:

Michael Buble
Jason Mraz

(These are not player names. We mean the actual singers. ESPECIALLY YOU, MICHAEL BUBLE.)

We love our customers!


Photos from friends

Swag Braxton
First Purchase of the Goodbye Egirl

Swag Braxton purchased the first and only 54 million gil drink on Final Fantasy XIV. The drink was purchased on September 29th, 2023, 2.5 years after Catgirl Hooters was opened.Say hello to FFXIV history and Goodbye Egirl.

Boss Kitty

Fynlay is the founder of Catgirl Hooters and a professional e-girl. She loves to party and dance with all of her friends at Catgirl Hooters. One time she made a joke and it went too far. This was the joke.

An ex-spearman of the Wood Wailers, B'aja Tia may give off the air of an arrogant, cocky player, but deep down he's just a serial-flirt with a heart of gold. Rather than training and fighting, he much rather spend his days enjoying the simpler pleasures of life - good food, good company, and good parties.

Sharlotta is a tiny, cute Seeker who loves companionship with others. From intimate connections to just curling up in a lap snuggling. This bubbly pink kitten will be your next best friend, filled with benefits.

A stoic, androgynous Au Ra that looks bold and cool-headed, but they’re actually incredibly embarrassed about this new employment! But wait.. are those pads to their chest? Is that a bulge in those shorts? A beautiful man or a handsome woman? Find out~!

An ex flame turned adventurer, she's ready to warm your heart on a battlefield or in a club. This rough and tumble cat has your back either way.

A gothic beauty who is more then meets the eye. Her seductive charms are one of those many things about her. Celestia is a girl who isn't afraid to party all night and dance till she drops. Find her at the dance floor and watch her shine.

This kitty is just as sweet as she looks, but she has a sassy side too! You can always catch her dancing and having a great time.

Always looking for a good time and the next big adventure, Penelope is just as likely to lavish you in affection as she is to grind you to dust under her heel. Only the best and most voracious appetites will satisfy this playful, sultry goth mom.
never one to pass up on a business venture or a wild time, Penelope (who has never claimed to be a cat unless you make her wear the ears) joins up to get wild and naughty

Eliza Danger

Kitty cat on the prowl for sin with a taste for sacrilege(and pu$$y). Works hard, plays hard, stays hard.

R'Nagali Vett

When she's not out skulking every shady back alley like the ninja she is, this cat can be found sauntering her way around CGH. With her roguish wit she might charm the gil right out of your pouch! Or just your pants off in their entirety! Beware however, soft as she may appear, this kitten has claws!

M'anaji Vanoh

Soft and sweet on the outside, this Seeker has a hidden wild side just waiting to be found. Will you be the one to find it?

Ellie Sensei

Do you like shy goth girls with mommy milkers? Then Ellie Sensei is for you, but this shy girl has a kinky side, buy some time with her, and you won't regret it!

Katyusha Edelweiss

Kat is a super playful, bubbly and lively Miqo, look away from her for a moment and she's probably zoomed off elsewhere looking for something fun to do (which could be you, if you're lucky enough ;3).

Lust Lascivious

While Lust may have a dark and spooky outward appearance, she’s very motherly and nurturing on the inside. Come enjoy a drink together, get doted on, and even lay your head on her lap while she tells you how good you’ve been today!

Luna Aerya

A bubbly and fiery kitty with claws! Wanna find out how sharp?

Lucinne Shadowbane

Despite her self proclamation of "Mistress of Darkness", Lucinne has a bright side to her, however it does reveal her long shadow. As likely to comfort and smother you in love as she is to give you a swift kick to the arse should you act a fool around her.

Megumi Nitta

Just a flirty kitty who loves shaking her booty at you and talking about how hot you are.

Goodbye Egirl

A legend in her own right with the most expensive menu item named after her. She's a spoiled brat and her riches won't save her. She DJs and doesn't take requests without payment first because that requires effort on her part to do anything else.

Gorstag really enjoys listening to people's complaints and returning appropriate feedback to concerned customers. He will roast you so savagely, your ancestors will be ashamed of you.

The Founders

Without there would be no Catgirl Hooters. The true OG crew and VIPs.